The Face that will rock the World

Modern Art Museum

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Cry me a river..

Salam to my beloved blog and bloggers...
I am truly sorry for the long absence..never intended to abandon my haven here but somehow,...things didn't work out the way as we plan...

I hope it's still not too late to wish everyone and myself a joyous Ramadhan..
I understand that I've not been updating much...not because I didn't cook but most of them were there's no need for me to post them in here..

my M.I.L's health is getting worse, altho I hope that she'll pull through..have been busy helping out with her journey to and from the days were a total wreck!...nursing her...daily chores...teaching...nursing ...daily chores...teaching...(if u know what I mean)..that does not include the fatigue that is still not evaporating from my mind and body....

and finally,..while on my way to school today, I got involved in an accident! hit by a taxi..

Don't ask my how,where and why...because I'm gonna tell my next post..let me rest a bit from my traumatic day..



VG said...

My thoughts and prayers for you and your family. Insha Allah, all will be fine.

Mat Gebu said...

salam ana.....mat turut bersimpati atas apa yg berlaku, sabar yeaa...hmm macam mana u boleh kena langgar dengan taxi..adoii mesti u byk sgt berfikir nihh...apa2 pun syukur lah u ok kan....selamat berpuasa untuk ana dan family juga yeaa... Mat doakan semuanya akan baik nanti..insya allahh

Jun said...

jun doakan ana..and family...smpai xcident? x per, just take ur fasting to u n family..muga semua bertambah baik di bulan mulia ni. aminnn

Anonymous said...

Ana, sedihnya dengar...byk bersabar k..bertimpa2 pulak ya, dugaan Ana, bersyukur Ana masih selamat..hope u'll get well soonest..Jgn risau ttg blog Ana nih, insyaAllah kami pengunjung setia di sini...muaaahhh! Take care dear!