Initially wanted to make some popiah but when I saw the bananas hanging helplessly in my kitchen, I decided to save their lifespan..by giving it a twist..
As for the salsa, I saw something like that on TV once, but I concocted one of my own to suit my taste and to prevent myself from having to go out for more groceries again..
Again,...trust my taste...*wink*
The way to eat this?..Cut the springroll in half(diagonally) and scoop some salsa with it and aim right into yr mouth. Enjoy!
Banana SpringRolls
Some bananas
SpringRoll skin
Depending on the size of your bananas,..err...I mean..THE bananas..(hehe)..u may want to halve them if it's too big. Wrap a piece with the SpringRoll skin,just like u would for a Popiah. Seal the edges with cornflour solution. (I double wrap mine using 2 pieces of skin, wrapping one at a time)
Deepfry in hot oil till golden brown. Drain and set aside.
When cool, drizzle with some melted chocolate and finish with a dust of icing sugar.
Dead easy.

Hot Mango Salsa
1 ripe mango - cubed
1 green apple - cubed
1 bird's eye chilli - deseeded and chopped REALLY fine
1 stalk of green onion - chopped fine
1/2 red capsicum - diced
1 tbsp of ginger juice
juice of 1 lemon
a sprig of mint - chopped fine
Combine the above ingredients in a bowl and mix really well, but try not to mash up the mangoes brutally. Serve with the banana springrolls.